Thursday, October 13, 2016

Are YOU one of Hillary’s Converts?

Are YOU one of Hillary’s Converts? Or…

How to create a Social State and control the people of the United States without the people doing anything to stop it because they don’t care…
This is happening in the United States right now and no one is doing anything to stop it except for one man and his supporters. That man is Donald Trump and you should keep reading this because you, your family and friends and your way of life has never been in more trouble than it is today. I tell you this because I and many like me have been in the military and were sent to other countries to instill and defend our and their rights and the American Way of Life there and here so that it would continue as long as we fought for and voted for the right people who we elected to do the things we asked them to do and not what THEY wanted to do. What they want and intend to do and at this very time in history are doing is to bring down our nation of free spirited people who stick together when the times get rough like they are right now..!
Now You tell me if you do not see this happening in Our country right now…
I lay it all out for you as Saul Alinsky wrote it… and All eight rules are in play today and Obama has opened that Pandora’s box and has done as much as he could to destroy our way of life and Hillary Clinton wants to continue with the downfall of all of us who hold America close to our hearts… she has already told all of you who intend to vote for her that she is will raise our taxes because she has to… and she will continue the downfall of our once great nation… the most dangerous thing she wants to do is slowly but methodically remove all firearms from the public so that they cannot fight back against a tyrannical government. If this happens you can kiss your butt goodbye because the elitist have finally won and you WILL do as You are Told or you will be removed and disappear. Please remember as you read this that Hillary did her college thesis based on his writings and Obama refers to him in his book and you will then understand what they have planned for all of us and you will wonder why hasn’t anyone told you about this yet. THEY don’t want YOU to know about this..!
Here it is: “How to Create a Social State” by Saul Alinsky.
There are eight levels of Control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important!
HEALTHCARE: Control Healthcare and you control the people, period…
POVERTY: Increase the poverty level as high as possible; poor people are easier to control and most of them will not fight back if you are providing them with everything they need to live…
DEBT: Increase the debt limit to an unsustainable level. That way they are able to increase taxes and therefore create more poverty… When Obama took office over seven years ago our country was seven trillion dollars in debt. Since he has been in office he has almost single highhandedly, and he is proud of this, raised our debt to over twenty trillion dollars… this is by design to bring us down so that other countries will take over control of the United States.
GUN CONTROL:  That is one thing that Hillary Clinton cannot stop talking about! Take away our ability to fight back at a very large and corrupt government as it is right now, and believe me people, that is exactly what it is. Hillary does not talk about politics she talks about Trump’s sexual fantasies in her made up world and hopes you are still gullible to suck it all up in her bid to take control of your lives and that is what she really wants and the fortune she will make if she can pull this off… Once you control the nation’s guns they will be able to create a Police State just like Nazi Germany did. Oh yes, they have been working very hard at doing exactly this thing right under our noses and the younger generation have not one clue because they know everything and have not lived long enough to see how history is repeating itself unless like-minded people stop them!
WELFARE: Take control of every aspect of their loves; Food, Housing and Income… they depend on government for everything… it is happening right now people…
EDUCATION: Take control of what people read and listen to… take control of what children learn in school… change the structure of long established rules like the Pledge of Allegiance etc.
RELIGION: Remove the belief of God from schools and government.
CLASS WARFARE: Divide the people into wealthy and poor. This will create more discontent then it will be easier to take (tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor. Yeah, that is how it works…
Now, does any of this sound familiar to you yet?
This is a simplified scheme of Vladimir Lenin’s for world conquest and dominance under His rule. Stalin described his converts (followers) as “Useful Idiots” Are YOU one of Hillary’s Converts..?
THE “Useful Idiots” have destroyed every nation to which they have seized power and control. It is happening right now on the United States and all you have to do is open your eyes and listen and see that is exactly what happening people…
 Yes this is true that “It is difficult to free fools from the chains that they revere..!” One useful idiot forgot his cell phone yesterday and caused a five car accident because he had to go back home to het his phone that he does not even use for work. He uses it to play games during his breaks and lunch and now this useful idiot will take years to pay off the debt he created by racing around to get a phone. He is a new idiot that will realize that it was not worth the effort for one day of  not being able to hook himself up to that phone… useful idiot? Hmm…

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